
Das Improv Festival needs you! We’re busy planning our next festival and other events and your donation will ensure we can bring over amazing performers and teachers from around the world to perform and teach right here in Berlin!

Your donation will be used to pay for transportation costs and performance fees for artists, rental costs for our venues and help pay for all the administrative costs associated with putting on the festival and other yearly events.

As a registered non-profit association, your donations to us are tax deductible!

Donate directly (preferred)

Das Improv Collective e.V.
Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE39830654080005406803
Verwendungszweck: Das Improv Festival donation

Any donation under 300€ doesn’t require a donation receipt to file with your income taxes. If you’d like a receipt anyway or have donated over 300€, please include your full address in the Verwendungszweck and we’ll get one out to you (German residents only!)

Donate via PayPal

Donate via betterplace

Can’t donate money but want to donate your time? Send us an email yes[a] and let us know you’d be interested in volunteering at the festival. We’ll get in touch in August.